Dear Colleagues, We seek two Drupal developers (one junior and one senior position) for 3-year (full-time) posts at the Natural History Museum London, as part of a major collaborative effort to help researchers share and manage biodiversity data on the Web (http://scratchpads.eu/). The work will include design and implementation of web applications, web services, data schemas and other applications and services. The junior position includes mentored training and is focused on the development of content, theming and enhanced functionality for new and existing PHP and Drupal systems and applications (see http://scratchpads.eu/junior-drupal-developer). The senior position is Drupal design orientated and requires implementation of web applications, web services, data schemas and related applications and services (see http://scratchpads.eu/senior-drupal-developer). The anticipated start date for both positions is December 1st 2010. Salary will be commensurate with experience from £25k and £33k plus benefits for the junior and senior posts respectively. These positions are supported by the EU FP7 funded ViBRANT project (http://vbrant.eu/) and the NERC funded e-Monocot project (http://e-monocot.org/). Applications should be made online at http://www.nhm.ac.uk/jobs by the closing date of 10th September, quoting reference "NHM/JDD/GS" for the junior position and "NHM/SDD/GS" for the senior post. Further information is available from the websites quoted above, or by contacting Vince Smith (vince@vsmith.info). Best regards, Vince Smith -- Dr. Vincent S. Smith Cybertaxonomist, The Natural History Museum Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, UK Web: http://vsmith.info/ E-mail: vince@vsmith.info (preferred) Tel: +44 (0) 207 942 5127, Fax: +44 (0) 207 942 5229 Skype: vsmithuk; XMPP/Jabber: vince@vsmith.info