***Apologies for cross-posting*** *DC-2015 -- DCMI 20th Anniversary International Conference & Annual Meeting* *September 1-5, 2015 — São Paulo, Brazil* *Conference Theme: * *Metadata and Ubiquitous Access to Culture, Science and Digital Humanities* *==================================* *WEBSITE:* http://purl.org/dcevents/dc-2015 *CALL FOR PARTICIPATION:* http://purl.org/dcevents/dc-2015/cfp *TRACK POLICIES:* http://dcevents.dublincore.org/index.php/IntConf/dc-2015/schedConf/trackPoli... *==================================* *:: DC-2015 Professional Program ::* *Professional Program Objectives* Each of the past 20 years, practitioners and researchers in metadata have gathered for DCMI's annual meeting and international conference. This year, we will be gathering in São Paulo, Brazil. The scope of interests for the Professional Program is broad and inclusive of all aspects of innovative metadata design, implementation, and best practices in all sectors from cultural heritage institutions to governments and commerce. While the work of the DCMI progresses throughout the year, the annual meeting and conference provide the opportunity for researchers, newcomers to metadata, students, apprentices, and early career professionals to gather face-to-face to share experiences and knowledge and to learn through *Tutorials*, *Workshops*, and *Special Sessions* tracks. In addition, the *Best Practice Posters & Demonstration* tracks offer the practitioner the opportunity to: - *showcase metadata work *underway or completed in their particular contexts, - *seek input* from the larger community on metadata matters of concern, - *compare notes* on innovative practice, and - *cast a broader light* into their particular metadata work silos. Through such a gathering of the metadata communities of practice, DCMI advances its "first goal" of promoting metadata interoperability and harmonization across the metadata ecosystem. *Submission & Session Languages* Proposals for Professional Program tracks may be in *Portuguese* or *English*. Depending on the language of the session presenters, simultaneous English/Portuguese or Portuguese/English translation will be provided. *Submissions and presentations by Portuguese speakers are strongly encouraged*. *Important Professional Program Deadlines* * Tutorials, Workshops, and Special Session* ---*Proposal Abstract Deadline:* 28 March 2015 ---*Proposer Notification*: 25 April 2015 *Best Practice Posters & Demonstrations* ---*Submission Deadline:* 14 July 2015 ---*Author Notification:* Ongoing *Questions Regarding the Professional Program?* -- *Questions in Portuguese: * Mariana Curado Malta - mariana(at)iscap(dot)ipp(dot)pt -- *Questions in English: * Stuart Sutton - sasutton(at)dublincore(dot)net; or Mariana Curado Malta - mariana(at)iscap(dot)ipp(dot)pt *==================================* *Conference Organizers:* --Universidade Estadual Paulista--São Paulo State University (UNESP) --Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) *==================================* *Please join us at DC-2015 in São Paulo, Brazil?*