Hello I wanted to let the TDWG folk know about a data-oriented session I'm leading at the upcoming CERF conference (http://www.erf.org/cerf-2017-biennial-conference). You can learn more about the session here https://cerf.confex.com/cerf/2017/webprogrampreliminary/Session1284.html. Anyone who is working on coastal or estuarine related data sets may want to participate. I'm planning to submit an abstract on some of the machine learning work I've been doing. Please feel free to pass this message around to anyone who might be interested. You can submit your abstract and register here http://www.erf.org/cerf-2017-biennial-conference Thanks! -- Anne E. Thessen, Ph.D. The Data Detektiv, Owner and Founder Ronin Institute, Research Scholar 443.225.9185