This message contains time-critical information requiring immediate action. Please read it now.

You are receiving this message because you have registered for TDWG 2006, expressed interest in attending the Meeting, or have attended previous TDWG meetings. If you are receiving this message in error, or do not wish to be contacted in the future, please accept our apologies for intruding and send a request to be removed from future mailings to with Subject line "TDWG Direct Mail Removal Request".

The 2006 Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Taxonomic Databases Working Group will be held at the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, from 15 - 22 October 2006. The meeting web site can be accessed here:

Registration is open now. There is an active link on the Registration Page to the RegOnline system which is handling registration for the meeting and has further links to discount booking at the recommended hotel and discount car rental.


From previous experience we know that delegates are slow to register and make hotel bookings. Anyone who attended the meeting in St. Petersburg in 2005 will know the possible consequences of late hotel bookings and late visa applications! Late registration is very disruptive to the smooth running of the meeting, making it difficult to plan meeting rooms, catering and transport. Late hotel bookings cause problems for the recommended hotel and may cost the TDWG money if we do not fulfill our advance booking commitment. This is a strong plea from the Meeting Organisers for ALL delegates to register and book your hotel room immediately. If you require help or further information please contact me without delay.


A late registration penalty fee of 50 $US will apply after 13 September 2006.
The deadline for hotel discount is 13 September 2006.


Abstracts for presentations by delegates were invited in June. Please see the Abstracts Page for details and Instructions for Authors. Abstracts MUST be submitted in the required format.

The official deadline for Abstracts was 20 August 2006. This has been extended to 23:59 GMT on Saturday 2 September. There will be no further extension.

Please accept our apologies for cross-posting if you receive this message more than once.


Adrian Rissone