Call: Technical Author for GBIF Data Portal documentation --------------------------------------------------------- The GBIF Data Portal (http://www.gbif.net/) is a central component of the GBIF network and is currently being replaced with a new implementation (test version on-line at http://newportal.gbif.org) which will offer richer functionality for users. GBIF is seeking the services of a technical author who has an understanding of biodiversity data to develop online documentation and tutorial materials for this portal. In addition, this person will contribute to the development of an explanatory video loop based on the documentation materials. The following deliverables are required (all as on-line web pages): 1. Quick introduction to using the portal (includes GBIF data use agreement, http://www.gbif.org/DataProviders/Agreements/DUA). 2. A set of three to five short “how-to” guides to performing useful tasks with the portal (portions of these will also be used for demonstration videos). 3. Instructions for other web sites on making links to the portal or embedding elements from the portal. 4. Guidance for new data providers (includes GBIF data sharing agreement, http://www.gbif.org/DataProviders/Agreements/DSA). 5. Technical documentation for software developers that explains how to use the web service interfaces offered by the portal, and develop new visualization and analysis tools to be linked to the portal. The key skills required for this role are: 1. Capability to explain technical tasks and instructions in clear, simple, highly understandable English. 2. Experience in developing online documentation and text for demonstration videos. 3. Understanding of biodiversity data (in particular, species occurrence data and taxonomic information). A pre-existing working background knowledge of the GBIF mission would be a significant benefit. The GBIF Secretariat expects to place a contract for a total of approximately four months’ work (the majority in late 2006/early 2007, but part-time throughout the first half of 2007), including some time working with staff at the GBIF Secretariat in Copenhagen. How to apply ------------ Interested applicants should send the following by e-mail to Donald Hobern, GBIF Deputy Director for Informatics (dhobern@gbif.org) by 30 November 2006: 1. Curriculum vitae 2. Description of relevant experience and skills 3. Details on availability through June 2007 4. Expected remuneration ------------------------------------------------------------ Donald Hobern (dhobern@gbif.org) Deputy Director for Informatics Global Biodiversity Information Facility Secretariat Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Tel: +45-35321483 Mobile: +45-28751483 Fax: +45-35321480 ------------------------------------------------------------