
LifeCLEF 2020 - Call for participation


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We cordially invite you to participate in the seventh edition of the LifeCLEF challenge (http://www.lifeclef.org). LifeCLEF is one of the labs of CLEF 2020 (https://clef2020.clef-initiative.eu/), which will be held in Thessaloniki  Greece (22-25 September 2020). 

Motivation: Building accurate knowledge of the identity, the geographic distribution and the evolution of species is essential for a sustainable development of humanity, as well as for biodiversity conservation. However, the burden of the routine identification of plants and animals in the field is strongly penalizing the aggregation of new data and knowledge. Identifying and naming living plants or animals is actually almost impossible for the general public and often a difficult task for professionals and naturalists. Bridging this gap is a key challenge towards enabling effective biodiversity monitoring systems. The LifeCLEF evaluation campaign aims at boosting and evaluating the advances in this domain since 2011. 

The 2020 edition of LifeCLEF proposes four data-oriented challenges related to the identification and prediction of biodiversity: 

Challenge 1 - BirdCLEF: Bird species recognition in audio soundscapes

Challenge 2 - GeoLifeCLEF: Location-Based Species Prediction (based on environmental and occurrence data)

Challenge 3 - PlantCLEFCross-domain plant identification (from herbarium specimens to plant pictures)

Challenge 4 - SnakeCLEFImage-based snake identification

Schedule (tentative, could be delayed a few weeks due to the covid19):
  • Beginning of May 2020: submission of runs by the participants
  • Mid-May 2020: release of processed results by the task organizers (online)
  • End of May 2020: deadline for submission of working note papers by the participants
  • End of June 2020: camera ready working note papers of participants and organizers
  • 22-25 Sept 2020: CLEF 2020 Thessaloniki, Greece

LifeCLEF relies on the AIcrowd open platform for registration, submission and results management. Participants have to first create a crowdAI account (https://www.aicrowd.com/participants/sign_up), and then go to the Challenges tab to access a specific LifeCLEF challenge. In order to be compliant with the CLEF registration requirements, please edit your profile by providing the following information : First name, Last name, Affiliation, Address, CityRegarding the username, please choose a name that represents your team/organism since it will be used for reference purposes.

The winner of each of the four LifeCLEF 2020 challenges will be offered a cloud credit grants of 5k USD as part of Microsoft's AI for earth program.


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