We are advertising IT-related positions for the Atlas of Living Australia. One of these, the Technical Architect position, is open to international applicants and has a closing date of 5 May 2008. Please see: https://recruitment.csiro.au/asp/job_details.asp?RefNo=2008%2F286 This is an exciting opportunity to take responsibility for development of the technical architecture for the Atlas of Living Australia. The Architect will be required to consider: * Data standards and protocols * Wrapper software for data providers * Metadata repositories * Use of domain ontologies * Central data indexes and caches * Integration with federated access frameworks * Web applications and web services * Support for tools for visualisation and analysis (e.g. GIS systems) * Linkages to other Australian data networks, in particular to other projects included within the NCRIS Strategic Roadmap * Linkages to international data sharing projects such as GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility), Casimir (Coordination and Sustainability of International Mouse Informatics Resources), OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System) and CBOL (Consortium for the Barcode of Life). The Atlas of Living Australia is also advertising three positions open to Australian residents and closing dates of 22 April 2008: * Metadata curator - see https://recruitment.csiro.au/asp/job_details.asp?RefNo=2008%2F292 * Java developer - see https://recruitment.csiro.au/asp/job_details.asp?RefNo=2008%2F290 * Web designer - see https://recruitment.csiro.au/asp/job_details.asp?RefNo=2008%2F291 The Atlas of Living Australia is a five-year project funded by the Australian Government to "develop an authoritative, freely accessible, distributed and federated biodiversity data management system that links Australia's biological knowledge with its scientific reference collections and other custodians of biological information". Thanks, Donald Donald Hobern, Director, Atlas of Living Australia CSIRO Entomology, GPO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601 Phone: (02) 62464352 Mobile: 0437990208 Email: Donald.Hobern@csiro.au