PLEASE DISTRIBUTE: Position: Invasive Species Coordinator Location: University of Georgia, Tifton, Georgia USA Appointment: Grant-funded full-time position (salary $39,781 with benefits). The position is currently funded for one year with renewal contingent upon availability of continuing grant funds and satisfactory progress of employee Available: Closing date for receipt of applications is November 1, 2007. Position could be available as early as December 1, 2007. Position Description: This is a grant-funded position in the Bugwood Network that will oversee the plant-related invasive species programs of the Bugwood Network, www.bugwood.org. The Bugwood Network is a technology-based working group collaboration between faculty in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) and the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources (WSFNR). The Bugwood Network focuses on developing and providing information on forest health, invasive and exotic species, entomology, silviculture, integrated pest management, agriculture, and natural resource management that operates and serves 20 web sites that receive 130 million hits a year (see www.bugwood.org/bugwood2007.pdf). Qualifications: MS or higher in one of the following or related fields: ecology, forestry, weed science, botany, horticulture or plant sciences. Cross-discipline experience with focus on invasive species preferred. Ability and experience using Windows-based computers, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, and utilizing the Internet as a research tool. Experience using geographic information system (GIS) software such as ArcGIS and Global Positioning System (GPS) equipment is desired. A thorough understanding of scientific nomenclature and systematics is preferred. Candidates must have good communication skills, both written and verbal, the ability to work independently and with others. Primary Duties and Responsibilities: This position will serve as the plant-related invasive species coordinator for Bugwood Network projects and duties will include: classification of images and information into the Bugwood Image Database System (IDS), expanding the development and operation of the Georgia Invasive Species Task Force, overseeing components of the Georgia Cogongrass Cooperative Weed Management Area, development and training associated with the Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System (EDDMapS), and working with aspects of the USDA-APHIS-PPQ-sponsored Georgia Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) program. The candidate will be required to develop and deliver presentations to groups including professional organizations at state, regional, and national levels. Some out-of-town and overnight travel will be required. Location: The University of Georgia Tifton Campus, Tifton, GA. The campus provides agricultural and environmental research, outreach and instruction with almost 100 UGA scientists working with USDA Agricultural Research Service researchers. Tifton is listed as one of the "100 Best Small Towns in America". Tifton is located 180 miles south of Atlanta and has a county population of 40,000. Applications: Interested persons must complete official online University application at: https://www.ugajobsearch.com; Select Search Postings, Enter Position Number: 20070628. Please direct any and all questions to: Dr. G. Keith Douce, Dr. David J. Moorhead or Chuck Bargeron The Bugwood Network The University of Georgia Phone: 229-386-3298 Fax: 229-386-3352 Email: cbargero@uga.edu