This is a wonderful opportunity to feature and involve colleagues from around the globe at this venue. Please consider submitting a proposal for a symposium by the deadline (or earlier!!). Please contact me if you might be interested in submitting
a symposium proposal, have an appropriate topic you want to hear, or even if you have a talk you’re thinking about presenting within the theme of Biodiversity, Biogeography and Conservation Biology.
All the best,
* P.S. For us in the United States, we’re very excited to be bringing the Congress back to the US for the first time since our country’s bicentennial in 1976. I wasn’t even an entomologist then, but I was working with one of the first efforts
to convert a traditional library card catalog into something digital (complete with acoustic coupler modem on a phone handset) at the Boston Public Library. Who knew?
E. Kampmeier
Natural History Survey
Research Institute
of Illinois
So. Oak St.
IL 61820