REMINDER in just over 24 hours (15 August 2007, 23:59 UTC) Registration fees increase AND Abstracts are due for TDWG 2007


TDWG 2007 will be held 16-22 September 2007 in Bratislava, Slovakia.  I urge everyone interested in Biodiversity Informatics to see for the complete schedule of talks.  I am particularly impressed by the strength (depth and breadth) of this year’s schedule.  If you have been contemplating joining or wondering how TDWG can serve taxonomists better, why not come and see what we are up to and raise your needs if they are not on the Biodiversity Informatics Standards horizon?  While the schedule for talks is NEARLY full, there is still time to submit abstracts for posters and/or computer demonstrations.


Bratislava is just across the Danube from Vienna and is a very attractive destination.  There is still plenty of reasonable accommodation available (see for information about the venue, accommodation, etc.), so please consider joining us for a great meeting.





Anna L. Weitzman, PhD

TDWG Journal Editor

Botanical and Biodiversity Informatics Research

National Museum of Natural History

Smithsonian Institution


office: 202.633.0846

mobile: 202.415.4684