This looks like it should be a very interesting meeting and one where it would seem appropriate for TDWG to be ‘raised’.


Is anyone planning to attend? Would anyone consider representing TDWG and possibly reporting back (v.)briefly? We do have a number of prepared PowerPoint presentations on TDWG, a poster and brochures that could be used (see I’d be happy to help tailor a brief presentation.






Lee Belbin

TDWG Secretariat


From: Club of Rome - ESC []
Sent: Tuesday, 9 December 2008 1:52 AM
Subject: biodiversity / technology: call for contributions



The Club of Rome - European Support Centre

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

we are searching for contributions to an event which will discuss the usage of

Information Technology for Biodiversity Conservation and Management
and Information Technology in Agriculture.

This implies database processing, sensor technologies, and also networking of organisations and activists.

The event will be held on January 15th at UNESCO in Paris and is organized by the European Support Centre of the Club of Rome ( ) and the project ICT Ensure ( ).

We would be very grateful if you forwarded this mail to persons in your organisation who are dealing with the topics and who might be interested to participate or to contribute with a statement. Please don't hesitate to contact us for further information.

Best regards
Thomas Schauer

Dr. Thomas Schauer
European Support Centre of the Club of Rome
Tuchlauben 8/15, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43-1-5125770
Fax: +43-1-5125770-10