For US subscribers; please be aware of and share this opportunity for a Fulbright fellowship at the University of Sao Paulo.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: António Mauro Saraiva <>
Date: Wed, Jul 24, 2024 at 3:23 PM
Subject: Fulbright distinguished award at USP Brazil, on Planetary health

Dear colleagues, how are you doing?

There is an open call from Fulbright, for an US researcher to come to Brazil, to my University, to work on Planetary Health.

Can you advertise it in all possible ways, please? 

Interested parties may also contact me, Antonio Saraiva, Head - Planetary Health Brazil, Institute of Advanced Studies, IEA-USP,

thank you very much
Best regards


António Mauro Saraiva
Full Professor, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Escola Politécnica (EP)
Head - Planetary Health Brazil
Institute of Advanced Studies, IEA-USP
Center for Artificial Intelligence, C4AI-AgriBio, USP/IBM/FAPESP
NIST Fight to Hunger (INCT - Combate à Fome)