The DCMI Metadata Provenance Task Group [1] is collaborating with the W3C
Provenance Working Group [2] on a mapping from Dublin Core terms to the PROV
provenance ontology [3], currently a W3C Proposed Recommendation.  More
precisely, the document describes a partial mapping from DCMI Metadata Terms
[4] to the PROV-O OWL2 ontology [5] -- a set of classes and properties usable
for representing and interchanging information about provenance. Numerous terms
in the DCMI vocabulary provide information about the provenance of a resource.
Translating these terms into PROV relates this information explicitly to the
W3C provenance model.

The mapping is currently a W3C Working Draft. The final state of the document
will be that of a W3C Note, to be published as part of a suite of documents in
support of a W3C Recommendation for provenance interchange [6].

DCMI would like to point to the W3C Note as a DCMI Recommended Resource and
therefore encourages the Dublin Core community to provide feedback and take
part in the finalization of the mapping.

The deadline for all comments is 7 April 2013.  We recommend that comments be
provided directly to the public W3C list for comments: [7], ideally with a Cc: to DCMI's dc-provenance
list [8].  Comments sent only to the dc-provenance list will be summarized on
the W3C list and addressed, and discussions on the W3C list will be summarized
back on the dc-provenance list when appropriate.

Stuart Sutton, Managing Director, DCMI
