Hi Lynn,
XML Schema, in its dateTime type, supports a subset of the ISO 8601 datetime standard. The proposal for DwC2 currently recommends the concepts EarliestDateCollected and LatestDateCollected, both as dateTime types, to capture bounded or unbounded date/time combinations of arbitrary specificity. These should be sufficient except where lists of dates or other multiple date ranges are required for a single record - unless I'm missing something, in which case I'd like to know.

On 2/23/06, Lynn Kutner <Lynn_Kutner@natureserve.org> wrote:

Hi -

I'm working with a suite of date attributes that can include a combination of precise dates, imprecise dates, and ranges of dates (and the same types of time values). We'd like to follow existing standards. If this sort of date / time standard exists, I'd appreciate leads to the appropriate resources.

Thank you for your help -

Lynn Kutner
Data Management Coordinator
Email:    lynn_kutner@natureserve.org
Phone:   (303) 541-0360