Dear colleagues, "How can steadily advancing sensor and information technology assist to take advantage of steadily growing and diversifying data in ecology?" The 10th International Conference on Ecological Informatics from 24 - 28 September, 2018 in Jena, Germany under the theme 'Translating Ecological Data into Knowledge and Decisions in a Rapidly Changing World' will provide a forum to address this question - both from an ecological and a computer science point of view. We cordially invite special sessions on all aspects of ecoinformatics and computational ecology including but not limited to: • Novel concepts and tools for the acquisition, management, analysis and synthesis of ecological data, including genomic and paleo-ecological data • Understanding and modeling ecosystem functioning, phenology and evolution • Informing decisions on environmental issues like sustainability, ecosystem services, climate change and biodiversity. Special session proposals should provide a title and brief scope of the session as well as details of the session’s organizer(s), and should be submitted by *15 December 2017*. Please submit your proposals via the submission system EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icei18. Further information can be obtained from our webpage: http://icei2018.uni-jena.de/ In case of any questions, do not hestitate to contact us: icei2018@listserv.uni-jena.de. There is also a Twitter account: https://twitter.com/ICEIConf. We are looking forward to your session ideas! Kind regards, Friedrich Recknagel (Scientific Chair) Birgitta König-Ries (Local Chair)