Dear TDWG members, After reading the report of the TDWG meeting I thought that you might be interested in our new project which attempts to establish a National Biodiversity Information System based on GIS technology (BioGIS). The first version, which is already available on the Internt, provides a lot of tools for querying, analyzing and modeling biodiversity data. To the best of my knowledge, in terms of its functionality and query system, it is one of the most sophisticated databases of biodiversity available on the web. The URL is: http://www.biogis.huji.ac.il Have fun! Ronen Kadmon Head of the GIS Center of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Georgina MacKenzie wrote:
The report of the TDWG 2000 meeting (held in Frankfurt in November 2000) is now available on the TDWG web site http://www.tdwg.org .
Georgina MacKenzie, Secretary, Newsletter Editor and Webmaster, International Working Group on Taxonomic Databases (TDWG)
gmackenzie@york.biosis.org Telephone: +44 1904 642816 Fax: +44 1904 612793
54 Micklegate, York, YO1 6WF, UK
[Any opinion expressed here does not necessarily represent the views of BIOSIS UK.]