I don't know how many of you are working with Semantic Web technologies, but I did a talk at the
2008 Meeting of the Entomological Society of America Meeting in Reno.

You can see it here : http://esa.confex.com/esa/2008/webprogram/Paper39190.html 

One of the issues that I have been struggling with is the need for a unique identifier for a species
concept that stays the same despite changes in taxonomic hypotheses. When I brought this up
earlier some mentioned that many considered the taxonomic hypothesis to be the species concept.

I thought that this approach was wrong because it unnecessarily required me to convince one of my
collaborators to adopt my taxonomic hypothesis when it was clear we were talking about the same

To me a species is a real thing to which different taxonomic hypothesis are applied.

With this in mind I implemented a system where each species has a unique URI which resolves according
to the recommendations of the linked data community.

You can see this service at:  http://species.geospecies.org/ 

Here is the page for Culicidae http://species.geospecies.org/families/Culicidae 

Here is an example of the URI for Aedes vexans


For a web browser this will resolve to the human readable page, for a semantic web crawler
it will respond with RDF data.

Here is journal reference marked up using the two major bibliography ontologies that includes
what species concepts are included in the article. This allows publications to retain links to
species concepts despite changes in nomenclature.


Here is an RDF file of species observation records (the web version is currently password protected)


I have chosen the UUID as the mechanism to make unique URI's not because of their inherent beauty,
but because the allow anyone on almost any platform to create a unique id without worrying about to
identical id's being created.

For those interested, I can send you a PDF of my talk slides and text.

I would also appreciate any feedback or suggestions :-)

- Pete

Pete DeVries
Department of Entomology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
445 Russell Laboratories
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Email: pdevries@wisc.edu
Insects of Wisconsin 
Spiders of Wisconsin