Taming the Graph: Profiles over Linked Data
     Full day session at DC-2017, Washington, D.C., 26-28 October 2017
     Day registration rates available


:: Presenters: 
       Tom BakerDCMI
       Karen CoyleConsultant
       Stefanie RühleSUB Goettingen
       Kirk HessLibrary of Congress
       Mariana MaltaPolytechnic of Oporto
       Eric Prud'hommeauxWorld Wide Web (W3C)
       Gregg KelloggSemantic Media Consultant
       Paul Walk, University of Edinburgh
:: Time: 8:30am - 5:30pm EDT 
:: Date: Friday, 27 October 2017
:: Session Homepage: http://dcevents.dublincore.org/IntConf/index/pages/view/sp17-taming
:: Registration: http://dcevents.dublincore.org/IntConf/index/pages/view/reg17



The idea of application profile was proposed at a Dublin Core workshop in 2000 as a way to customize metadata for specific application domains, mixing-and-matching multiple metadata vocabularies as needed, and to share these customizations within communities of practice. This day-long event will start with a look back at how the discourse around profiles has evolved since 2000, then it will examine new technologies that can help us tame the boundless sea of Linked Data with controlled metadata. This event is sponsored by the DCMI, which participates in W3C efforts to develop standards relevant to profiles and seeks direction for its future work, and by LD4, a coordinated program to advance the use and utility of linked data in research and cultural heritage organizations, especially libraries.

We ask the following questions:
  • Can Linked Data conceptualization and design be enhanced with metadata profiles?
  • How can profiles provide different views: data validation vs discovery, strict vs tolerant?
  • How can we express profiles for processing by machines?
  • How can we publish profiles for human consumption?

    Morning Session 1: The Role of Profiles (90 min)

        "Application Profiles" since DC-2000
            Tom Baker, DCMI
        Pieces of the profile puzzle
            Karen Coyle, Consultant
        Profiles and Data Quality
            Stefanie Rühle, SUB Goettingen 

    Morning Session 2: Developing and Using Profiles (90 min)

        Requirements for BIBFRAME profiles
            Kirk Hess, Library of Congress
        Structured methods for developing profiles
            Mariana Malta, Polytechnic of Oporto
        Agile, data-driven methods for developing profiles
            Eric Prud'hommeaux, World Wide Web (W3C)

    Afternoon Session 1: Expressing and Profiling Data (90 min)

        JSON-LD: The data syntax and its uses
            Gregg Kellogg, Semantic Media Consultant
        ShEx: the Shapes Expression Language
            Eric Prud'hommeaux, World Wide Web (W3C)

    Afternoon Session 2: Sharing profiles (90 min)

        Documenting profiles and vocabularies on the Web
            Paul Walk, Edinburgh University
        Maintaining RDF vocabularies in spreadsheets
            Gregg Kellogg, Semantic Media Consultant
        Answering the questions posed

Conference participants are free to attend any or all sessions or parts of sessions. The event assumes familiarity with the basic concepts of RDF and Linked Data. Participants will get more out of Afternoon Session 1 if they prepare beforehand by reading (or watching videos) about JSON-LD [1] and by perusing the ShEx Primer [2].

[1] https://json-ld.org/learn.html
[2] http://shex.io/shex-primer