TDWG 2005 - St. Petersburg, Russia, 11-18 September 2005 Dear Colleague, You are receiving this message because, recently or in the past few years, you have expressed interest in attending an Annual Meeting of the Taxonomic Database Working Group (TDWG). If you would prefer to NOT receive messages from the TDWG with regard to meetings please accept my apologies for troubling you and send e-mail to me at this address: A.Rissone@nhm.ac.uk with Subject line "TDWG - Remove from mailing list" Please note the following important deadlines. Deadlines: 15 June 2005: submission of abstracts to be complete (http://www.tdwg.org/2005meet/TDWG_2005_Abstracts.html) 10 July 2005: hotel bookings to be complete (to allow time for visa processing) (http://www.tdwg.org/2005meet/TDWG_2005_TravelAccom.html) It is STRONGLY recommended that you complete your hotel booking and get your visa application started in the next few days. We have been advised that some Russian Consulates are experiencing delays which are likely to get worse as the main tourist season gets under way. You will also see on the meeting site a request for pre-registration. Please pre-register if you can. The full Registration Site will be available in June. We look forward to seeing you in St. Petersburg! Regards, Adrian Rissone Secretary and Meeting Coordinator Taxonomic Databases Working Group E-mail: A.Rissone@nhm.ac.uk with Subject line "TDWG 2005" (please do NOT reply to this listserv, which is for distribution only)