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TDWG Conference 2016

  • Call for abstracts
  • Registration Fees and Schedule
  • Hotels
  • Excursions

Call for Abstracts

General Contributions

We invite you to submit abstracts for contributions to the TDWG annual conference of 2016, including oral presentations, computer demonstrations, lightning talks, and posters. The deadline for abstract submission is 6 September 2016.

Space for oral presentations is limited, so the program committee will use relevance, quality, and date of submission to make acceptance decisions.  Early submissions may be given preference, and some authors may be asked to prepare posters instead of oral presentations.

Contributions to existing Symposia or Workshops

Accepted symposia and workshops are listed on the page listing Categories for Invited and General Contributions. Some of these are open to outside contributions, while others are full.  If your contribution is relevant to a symposium, you may ask the organizers to consider adding your presentation to their program. Please see the symposium/workshop abstract for an indication of whether outside contributions will be considered.

How to submit an abstract

Use the call for papers link to submit your abstract (see also here). You must have an account on our conference management system to submit an abstract.  Accounts from previous years are still active. Please read the author guidelinesbefore submitting your abstract.

You should receive an email confirmation that your abstract has been submitted successfully. Contributing authors must be available to correspond with the Program Committee until the abstract is accepted.  While the final deadline for abstracts is 6 September 2016, the Program Committee intends to inform authors of their decision within 2-3 weeks of submission.  

Registration Fees and Schedule

The registration fees are provided for convenience here, but please check main conference web page ( for the most current information.    

Registration Period
and Duration
and Membership
 Members (2016
Dues Already Paid)
Early:before Aug 01$500 $425
Normal:Aug 01 - Nov 06$550 $475
Late:Nov 07 and later$600 $525

Registration includes: TDWG membership, the welcoming reception, daily transportation between the hotels and conference venue, lunch during the week, and conference banquet.  Registration will be open by mid-June.  Register as soon as possible to secure the best rate.

A daily-rate of $120/day will be available to those who cannot attend the full meeting (does not include membership).  

Students currently enrolled in a degree program may request a special student rate -- membership fee waiver and a further discount of $50 off the early rate ( $375) from the TDWG Treasurer (treasurer [at] TDWG [dot] org. 


Blocks of rooms have been reserved at four hotels in La Fortuna.  Single room rates range from $55 to slightly over $100 per night.  Find details at:


We are very pleased to announce that the Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) is offering TDWG participants four (4) different multi-day excursions to world-renowned biodiversity destinations guided by their own biodiversity experts.   Our current understanding is that all tours will take place in parallel after the conference.  Also note, the Osa Peninsula tour leaves at 6 AM from San Jose, probably on Sunday morning.  More information and booking instructions will be posted on the web site as it emerges.

Hope to see you in Costa Rica!

-Stan Blum (on behalf of the Program Committee)