Dear TDWG Members and Friends


We are seeking sponsorships for our annual meeting in Fremantle this year.


As you know, TDWG is an international organization reliant on volunteer support and goodwill. Our income from memberships and conference fees is very small. Sponsorship of the meeting will help build a small reserve to support TDWG’s important work. We will acknowledge any sponsorship on the web as well as at the conference.   


If you aren’t already a member, or haven’t renewed for 2008, please do so as soon as possible (the discount on the conference fee for members is  US$100). Even small donations to TDWG would be very gratefully received.


We are very grateful for your support, and the sponsorship we have already received from


·         Western Australian Herbarium

·         Western Australian Department Environment and Conservation

·         Western Australian Museum

·         Edith Cowan University

·         Notre Dame University, Fremantle

·         National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent)

·         Biodiversity Synthesis Center (BIOSYNC) - Field Museum of Natural History

·         The Maritime Museum of Western Australia

·         Gaia Resources

·         The Global Biodiversity Information Facility

·         The Atlas of Living Australia


Please contact me for further information.




Lee Belbin

TDWG Secretariat
