Hi Everyone, Are you interested in Data Quality? Where and how, in the data pipeline from specimen and data collection, to digitization and annotation, can a collection's data quality be enhanced? Please join us for a webinar introduction to recordset data data cleaning at iDigBio. *Webinar:* Improving Data Quality: iDigBio Recordset data cleaning method, tools, and data flags https://www.idigbio.org/content/improving-data-quality-idigbio-recordset-dat... *When: ***October 23rd, 2015, 2 PM EDT *Where: *http://idigbio.adobeconnect.com/datamgmt *Presenters: *Alex Thompson, Matt Collins with guests: Heather Appleby and Katja Seltmann *Pre-webinar reading:* Check out *blog post by Heather Appleby and Katja Seltmann* about their experience using the information in the data flags provided by iDigBio. What did they learn? What did we learn at iDigBio? What's next? https://www.idigbio.org/content/summer-learning-r-clean-data-idigbio-portal-... Brought to you by the iDigBio DMIG and the iDigBio CYWG: https://www.idigbio.org/wiki/index.php/IDigBio_Working_Group Please share! Best, Deb, et al at iDigBio (please excuse cross-postings) -- -- Upcoming iDigBio Events https://www.idigbio.org/calendar -- Deborah Paul, iDigBio Technology Specialist Institute for Digital Information, 234 LSB Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida 32306 850-644-6366