Dear all,

(Apologies for any cross-postings)


We are fast approaching the next RDA plenary in San Diego (9-11 Mar 2015) ( The Biodiversity Data Integration Interest Group (BDI IG) made some significant steps in both promoting key issues (e.g. names and name services) as a key challenge for bringing together research data across life sciences. Furthermore, the BDI IG proposed a joint meeting to be held at the next RDA plenary that will enable environmental and biodiversity related and cross-cutting groups to initiate a direct dialogue on common issues (


The BDI IG will also run a breakout session.  The session will take place on Tuesday 10 Mar between 09.00 and 10.30. In the context of the RDA plenary theme (‘adopt a deliverable’), we are looking for presentations that will demonstrate successful examples of biodiversity data integration for facilitating biodiversity and environmental research. The examples might be presented both from a technological (deployment of tools or services) or scientific (case studies) perspective.


We would like to invite you to submit your proposals for short presentations (up to 10 min) at the next Biodiversity Data Integration IG breakout session.

Please send your proposals (mail to by Monday 9 Feb.  


On behalf of the BDI IG chairs,


Kind regards,




Dr Dimitrios Koureas

Dept of Life Sciences | Biodiversity Informatics Group

Natural History Museum London | SW7 5BD London, UK


Research Data Alliance – Biodiversity Data Integration IG, co-chair

Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG), executive member


ORCID: 0000-0002-4842-6487 | Linkedin:

E-mail: | Twitter: @DimitrisKoureas | Tel: +44 (0) 207 942 5244