Hi Kevin

The conference is highly relevant to TDWG! Hopefully a number of TDWG members and supporters will also be there.

To save you the trouble, I’ve already added it to the events calendar.

There are a number of useful diagrams and presentations available on the TAG Wiki (http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/bin/view/TAG/WebHome ) relating TDWG’s common architecture to the semantic web. Roger may be aware of other resources.

Good luck on the support.  


Lee Belbin

TDWG Secretariat


From: Kevin Richards [mailto:RichardsK@landcareresearch.co.nz]
Sent: Monday, 17 March 2008 3:03 PM
To: leebel@netspace.net.au; tdwg@lists.tdwg.org
Subject: Re: [tdwg] TDWG's vision for 2008


Lee, and all,


As I have breifly mentioned to Lee previously, I have applied for funding to attend the European Semantic Web Conference (http://www.eswc2008.org/) to report/discuss recent developments in the TDWG domain regarding semantic web technologies.  I intend to create a poster or two for the occasion.  If you consider this a relevant event Lee, I shall add it to the TDWG site.


I would also like to ask at this point if anyone has any useful info/diagrams/poster images etc that would be suitable for this event (ie related to Semantic Web/RDF/LSID/TDWG/Onotlogies/Schemas/Protocols/Infrastructure).  I would be very interested in anything that exists out there.


My attendence at this event is still dependent on funding, and therefore certainly not a defintite at this stage.



Kevin Richards

>>> "Lee Belbin" <leebel@netspace.net.au> 17/03/2008 3:49 p.m. >>>

Dear TDWGians

There are a number of issues that I'd like to raise-

1. As you may be aware, Ricardo has setup an Events Calendar at
http://www.tdwg.org/events/ to advertise Biodiversity Informatics related
meetings, grants and awards. I've seeded it with some events but I know
there are more out there. This system complements the Biodiversity
Informatics related Projects database (http://www.tdwg.org/biodiv-projects/)
and the Biodiversity Informatics Networks database
(http://www.tdwg.org/biodiv-networks/).   If you are aware of other 'events'
for 2008 or 2009, please either add them yourself (you must be logged in) or
send me a URL and I'll add them. A related issue: I have produced a 'glossy'
poster (see
and brochure (see
http://www.tdwg.org/fileadmin/documentation/outreach/TDWG_Brochure.pdf). I
have high-quality printed version of both resources available if any of you
are planning to attend a conference/meeting and would like to help promote
TDWG. Note: There are other related resources (PowerPoints, videos etc)
available at http://www.tdwg.org/about-tdwg/resources-for-outreach/.  BTW: A
general TDWG video clip is currently being produced.

2. Attached is a v.preliminary draft program for TDWG 2008 in Fremantle. Few
sessions are fixed at the moment and there are a number of free slots. If
you have ideas for a session (or four) on one or more issues, please let me
know ASAP. Input is always appreciated. We hope to get more information
regards costs, recommended accommodation and excursion options and dates to
the web site next week.

3. If you haven't already done so, please consider renewing your TDWG
membership, taking out TDWG membership or making a donation to TDWG (see
http://www.tdwg.org/membership/) . TDWG has a small (but enthusiastic!)
membership and relies on your membership fees for basic operational costs.
We would therefore appreciate any support you can provide.

Best Wishes


Lee Belbin
TDWG Secretariat

tdwg mailing list