URGENT: Request for registration of interest - Informal KE Emu Users meeting CIRCULATION: TDWG membership only An informal meeting of current and prospective users of the commercial Collections Management System KE Emu has been proposed. The Taxonomic Databases Working Group does NOT promote, endorse or support the use of any particular commercial product but on that understanding we are willing to host such a meeting as it is apparent that several TDWG member institutions are using, or are evaluating, the product. If you are interested in participating in the meeting it is important that you send email without delay to Adrian Rissone (A.Rissone@nhm.ac.uk), with "TDWG KE EMu" in the subject line, stating the date and time that you intend to arrive at the TDWG meeting in Oeiras. This will allow us to estimate the numbers and best time to schedule the informal meeting. --------------------------------------------------------- Adrian Rissone TDWG 2003 Meeting Programme Coordinator http://www.tdwg.org/2003meet/TDWG2003.htm Email: A.Rissone@nhm.ac.uk --------------------------------------------------------- Information Systems Manager Department of Palaeontology The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, LONDON SW7 5BD ---------------------------------------------------------