Dear all

Call for nomination for the TDWG 2015 Executive is now open.

Deadline October 29th 2014.

We have designed a survey to collect nominations for positions on the 2015 TDWG Executive (

The elections will open during the TDWG 214 conference and remain open until after the conference to allow smooth remote voting of members not participating to the conference. The results of the elections will be announced to the members and on the website of TDWG. The new Executive will enter into function the 1st of January 2015.

When nominating a person, you will be asked to:

1. Provide your name and contact information so we may contact you if needed.

2. Provide complete name, affiliation and contact information for the person you nominate.

3. State clearly for which position on the Executive you are nominating the person. You can only nominate a person for one position.

4. It is preferable that the person is aware of the nomination and willing to take on the position.

5. If available provide a short biography of the person or a link to an on line CV or profile.

6. Optionally you may also state why you think the person would be suitable for the position.


1. Self nominations are allowed.

2. If you wish to nominate more than one person, please start a new survey for each person.

3. Incomplete or inconsistent nominations will discarded.

4. Note that to enable multiple surveys from a same computer, you cannot go back to an incomplete survey. Make sure you have filled in all info before leaving your browser or clicking on submit.

Thank you for your collaboration and interest in TDWG.

Any questions ?


With my best wishes

Patricia Mergen on behalf of the TDWG executive.