Dear All Does any one has information about subdeneric of Eragrostis for the following species. Eragrostis cilianensis , Eragrostis minor , Eragrostis aegyptiaca , Eragrostis tenuifolia , Eragrostis tef , Eragrostis sarmentosa , Eragrostis barrelieri , Eragrostis pilosa Eragrostis aspera , Eragrostis ciliaris , Eragrostis japonica , Eragrostis lepida , Eragrostis tenella , Eragrostis tremula Thanks in advance sami ===== All the best. Sami Rabei http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GexZOhIAAAAJ Sincerely Yours ---------------------------------- With my Best Wishes Sami Hussein Rabei, Botany Department Faculty of Science, Damietta University, New Damietta , Post Box 34517 Damietta Egypt . Tel. Mobile: 002 0127 3601618 002 0101 7895350 Tel. Work: 002 057 2403981 Tel. Home: 002 057 2403108 Fax: 002 057 2403868