***** PLEASE EXCUSE THE CROSS-POSTING***** "Long-term Preservation and Governance of RDF Vocabularies" Special session, DC-2013, Lisbon, 3 September DC-2013 WEBSITE: http://purl.org/dcevents/dc-2013 DC-2013 DATES: 2-6 September 2013 DC-2013 PLACE: Lisbon, Portugal ================================= SESSION SPONSOR: W3C & DCMI SESSION DATE/TIME: 3 September, 11:30-1600 (Day registration available on conference wesbite) SESSION MODERATORS: -- Phil Archer, World Wide Web Consortium -- Thomas Baker, Dublin Core Metadata Initiative -- Ivan Herman, World Wide Web Consortium -- Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche, Fujitsu -- Bernard Vatant, Mondeca ================================= The oldest RDF vocabularies in existence are just fifteen years old. It is time to look systematically at how ownership and responsibility for today's vocabularies will pass to the next generation. DCMI and W3C are sponsoring a special session at the DC-2013 conference in Lisbon on 3 September about the long-term preservation and governance of RDF vocabularies [1]. This session focuses on issues related to the usability of RDF vocabularies in the long term (as defined in "decades") -- continued access to documentation, inheritance of ownership and maintenance responsibility, and the continued resolvability of domain names. What role might memory institutions play in the long-term preservation of vocabularies? A discussion paper has been prepared as a starting point for this session [2], and readers are welcome to post comments or suggestions on the DC-VOCABULARY mailing list ([3], sign up at [4]). [1] http://dcevents.dublincore.org/IntConf/index/pages/view/vocPres [2] http://wiki.dublincore.org/index.php/Vocabulary_Preservation_discussion_pape... [3] https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=DC-VOCABULARY [4] https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?SUBED1=DC-VOCABULARY&A=1