Re: [tdwg-tapir] Schema modification: r513 - trunk/protocol

Oops. sorry again. I looked at the wrong revision. Its mandatory right now. Ill make it optional again then. markus -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Döring, Markus Gesendet: Montag, 13. März 2006 13:19 An: 'Renato De Giovanni'; Betreff: AW: [tdwg-tapir] Schema modification: r513 - trunk/protocol well sorry, its exactly the way it was before. you can ommit the conceptNameServer element in the capabilities, but if its there, at least one server element must be present. So we dont force tapir services to use a CNS. sorry for the confusion, markus -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: [] Im Auftrag von Renato De Giovanni Gesendet: Montag, 13. März 2006 12:58 An: Betreff: Re: [tdwg-tapir] Schema modification: r513 - trunk/protocol Hello Javier, I do agree with 2 and 3. And I agree with accepting multiple concept nameservers, but why should we force every TAPIR service to understand a concept nameserver? In principle I would leave this optional, unless I'm missing something... Regards, -- Renato On 13 Mar 2006 at 12:19, Javier de la Torre wrote:
I hope no one disagree with:
3) partial element from search request integrated into searchTemplateType. So partial is now part of a searhc template as well as a search request.
On 3/13/06, <> wrote:
Author: markus Date: 2006-03-13 12:04:20 +0100 (Mon, 13 Mar 2006) New Revision: 513
Modified: trunk/protocol/tapir.xsd Log: incorporates 3 changes: 1) Allow any number of concept name servers, but require 1 (capabilities) 2) simpleXpathType is a string now 3) partial element from search request integrated into searchTemplateType. So partial is now part of a searhc template as well as a search request.
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