[tdwg-guid] How to create resource that is not defined in Jena's vocabulary

Hi guys, I met the same problem as Peter wrote in the following link: http://lists.tdwg.org/pipermail/tdwg-guid/2006-September/000496.html. Unfortunately, I didn't get the final solution in it. I'm not sure Peter, Ben and Steve are still in this mail group or not. Anyway, can anybody help me solve this problem? Thanks a lot. My code is attached as well. What I want is outputing my vocabulary "Manifest" instead of "rdf:Description". Map<String, String> ns = new HashMap<String, String>(); ns.put("", "http://www.test.com/2007/08/test-vocabulary#"); ns.put("rdfs", "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#"); ns.put("rdf", "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"); Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); model.setNsPrefixes(ns); Resource r = model.createResource(" http://www.test.com/2007/08/test_config#MyNodeID").addProperty(model.createProperty("http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type"), "http://www.test.com/2007/08/test-vocabulary#Manifest"); Property p = model.createProperty(" http://www.test.com/2007/08/test-vocabulary#created_by"); Statement s = model.createStatement(r, p, "Chaohong"); model.add(s); RDFWriter w = model.getWriter("RDF/XML-ABBREV"); w.setProperty("showXMLDeclaration", "true"); w.setProperty("tab", "2"); w.setProperty("xmlbase", "http://www.test.com/2007/08/test_config#"); w.write(model, System.out, "http://www.test.com/2007/08/test-vocabulary #"); Chaohong

Hi All, I'm testing the ZooBank LSID resolver, and I can't seem to get any of my LSIDs to work with the TDWG LSID resolver (http://lsid.tdwg.org/) They used to work a couple months ago, but now they don't. For example: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:20889795-7EC7-42F3-A4C3-D1D97704A609 This works fine on Rod's Tester site: http://linnaeus.zoology.gla.ac.uk/~rpage/lsid/tester/ Any ideas??? Thanks, Rich Richard L. Pyle, PhD Database Coordinator for Natural Sciences and Associate Zoologist in Ichthyology Department of Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum 1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, HI 96817 Ph: (808)848-4115, Fax: (808)847-8252 email: deepreef@bishopmuseum.org http://hbs.bishopmuseum.org/staff/pylerichard.html
participants (2)
Chaohong Xie
Richard Pyle