TAPIR pywrapper.org site launched

Dear all, Sorry for cross-posting. We are happy to announce the new collaborative home of the PyWrapper.org open source project: http://www.pywrapper.org Probably most of you don't know that pywrapper is the library behind the BioCASe Provider Software and the new TAPIR implementation that Markus had been working on with GBIF support in the last year. The first priority is to support the revised TAPIR protocol, but we are also working on support for the WFS and SPICE protocols. A basic Configuration Tool to help data providers with their configuration and hopefully to update from previous BioCASe versions is under development with the help of SYNTHESYS funding. We hope to include at some point also a local web-based search interface, the Query Tool. This will allow data providers to gain instant webaccess to their databases with customisable skins (html templates) to integrate in existing designs. The pywrapper library has always been released under the open source Mozilla Public License, but the development of it has mainly been done by one person alone. We want to alter this and become a truly open source project where everybody is invited to participate in the development. For this we have created a new working environment under http://www.pywrapper.org There you will find public access to the latest source code, a roadmap of the development, a report system to submit bugs and request and a new documentation system. We have also created two mailing lists: pywrapper-users@lists.sourceforge.net and pywrapper-devel@lists.sourceforge.net to improve communication between users and developers. Please feel free to join them at: http://trac.pywrapper.org/pywrapper/wiki/MailingLists If you are interested in supporting the PyWrapper development you are very welcome and can do so in a variety of ways. We would be happy to welcome: * developers who want to participate in the core python components or just simple submodules like additional database syntax support. * testers and people interested in helping us with the documentation. * decision makers helping us to prioritize development according to the different project demands. * financial supporters to speed up development or add new compontents to the software We hope you will like the new site and are excited to see the community grow. We are looking forward to work with you. Markus & Javier
participants (1)
"Döring, Markus"