Fwd: Mountain Biodiversity Portal online!
Hi all, I am forwarding this email because I think you might find it interesting. Soon we will be posting more info about the project on the biodivertido blog. All source code is Open Source. Javier. Begin forwarded message:
From: Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment <GMBA@unibas.ch> Date: May 10, 2010 12:29:51 PM GMT+02:00 To: gmba@unibas.ch Subject: Mountain Biodiversity Portal online!
Dear colleagues,
we are very happy to announce that the GMBA/GBIF Mountain Biodiversity Portal is now online!
You can now explore and download GBIFs biodiversity data (http://www.gbif.org) for the mountains of the world, and search mountain areas from region to globe, or select by mountain life zones (such as the treeless alpine zone) on an interactive map.
You are welcome to visit the Mountain Biodiversity Portal at http://www.mountainbiodiversity.org See the demo video on how to use it: (http://vimeo.com/11552863).
The Mountain Biodiversity Portal is a contribution to the Mountain Programme of the Convention on Biological Diversity disussed today in Nairobi (http://www.cbd.int/sbstta14/) and is GMBA/DIVERSITAS contribution the the International Year of Biodiversity 2010.
We are looking forward to receive your feedback on this new tool.
With kind regards, Eva Spehn -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA) Dr. Eva Spehn, GMBA office
Institute of Botany, University of Basel Schoenbeinstr.6, 4056 Basel, Switzerland Tel: ++41 (0)61 267 35 11, Fax: ++41 (0)61 267 35 04
email: gmba@unibas.ch GMBA network: http://www.gmba.unibas.ch/ GMBA Mountain Portal: http://www.mountainbiodiversity.org
participants (1)
Javier de la Torre