Re: RDF application building and databinding tools

There are a number of RDF tools and frameworks that we use in DiGIR2 and other projects here at the University of Kansas Biodiversity Research Center. I will include a brief description of each as well as a link to more information. Jena: A Java framework for working with RDF that includes serialization/deserialization of N3, N-Triple, RDF/XML, RDF/XML-ABBREV, and others, both memory and DB-backed triple stores, a reasoner API, support for reification, typed literals, and support for a variety of query languages including RDQL and SPARQL. Jena is an open source project that is used as a component of many other semantic web projects. It is developed by HP Labs. Redland: A C based RDF framework with bindings for many different languages including Perl, Java, C#, Ruby, and others. It also includes serialization/deserialization from a variety of formats, memory and DB-backed triple stores, support for SPARQL and Rasqal query languages, etc. Redland is an open source project that is used as a component of many other semantic web projects. It is developed by Dave Beckett at the University of Bristol. Jastor: A Java code generator that emits Java Beans from OWL ontologies. Think of it as Castor for OWL. It is designed to work with Jena and is developed by Ben Szekely (who also worked on the LSID framework) and Joe Betz at IBM. W3C RDF Validator: Given an RDF/XML document, this web application validates it and displays it as triples, RDF/XML, or as a graph in a variety of formats including PNG, SVG, and isaViz. Protégé Ontology Editor: We mostly use text editors for developing ontologies because we've occasionally found Protege to be unstable with large complicated OWL models. However, many people like Protege (a Java desktop application) which was developed by Standford's Medical Informatics group. There are also a variety of triple store implementations as well as other frameworks like Kowari. However, we can't recommend them because we either haven't used them or didn't like them. -Steve Ricardo Scachetti Pereira wrote:
Bob Morris wrote:
OK. I understand. Now I need to know on which Wiki people are developing discussion of the RDF tools. I'm aware only of ontology development tools, and I need to educate myself about where are the tools and frameworks for building applications and for databinding.
I've sent this a couple of months ago to the list, but it might still be useful:
Click on "Tools" link and it will take to the bottom of the page (direct link: There's a list of RDF tools in there (Jena, Kowari, SOFA, PHP RDF and others). I didn't read that material myself, so I'm not sure whether you will find what you want. Let us know if you find anything useful. Best regards,
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Steven Perry