[tdwg-guid] Piggy Bank and bioGUID

Biodiversity informatics seems rather short on examples of RDF and Semantic Web browsers, and the promised dream of being able to link data together. Prompted by Jim Balhoff of NESCent asking why bioGUID didn't play with MIT's Piggy Bank, I managed to get bioGUID tom play ball, so now you can extract RDF from bioGUID web pages, and store and browse these in Piggy Bank. Given that bioGUID tries to extract GUIDs from its sources, and renders all the RDF in a consistent fashion, it is possible to navigate around data from PubMed, GenBank, and DiGIR providers. I've put some notes up at http://bioguid.blogspot.com/2007/08/piggy- bank-and-bioguid-browsing.html . Regards Rod ---------------------------------------- Professor Roderic D. M. Page Editor, Systematic Biology DEEB, IBLS Graham Kerr Building University of Glasgow Glasgow G12 8QP United Kingdom Phone: +44 141 330 4778 Fax: +44 141 330 2792 email: r.page@bio.gla.ac.uk web: http://taxonomy.zoology.gla.ac.uk/rod/rod.html iChat: aim://rodpage1962 reprints: http://taxonomy.zoology.gla.ac.uk/rod/pubs.html Subscribe to Systematic Biology through the Society of Systematic Biologists Website: http://systematicbiology.org Search for taxon names: http://darwin.zoology.gla.ac.uk/~rpage/portal/ Find out what we know about a species: http://ispecies.org Rod's rants on phyloinformatics: http://iphylo.blogspot.com Rod's rants on ants: http://semant.blogspot.com
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Roderic Page