For a paper on taxonomic data annotation, I'm trying to get a rough idea of what is the extent of systems in use that can't keep a determination history of the specimens it manages. If this is your circumstance, I would appreciate hearing from you the name of the software and, if you know it, the back end database if there is one. Please answer directly so as not to bother the list. If you've already answered James Macklin asking this question on another list, or if your specimen system does manage a history, please don't bother to reply. Thanks Bob Morris -- Robert A. Morris Emeritus Professor of Computer Science UMASS-Boston 100 Morrissey Blvd Boston, MA 02125-3390 IT Staff Filtered Push Project Harvard University Herbaria Harvard University email: web: web: === The content of this communication is made entirely on my own behalf and in no way should be deemed to express official positions of The University of Massachusetts at Boston or Harvard University.