Hi Markus,

The LSID spec suggests that RDF is the default return type but you can request different formats. We would just need to agree on names for the formats.

Thinking from a clients point of view consistency is the most important thing I guess especially if the data is going to be mixed with data from other sources. It would be far easier to write a client to handle just RDF than to handle RDF plus arbitrary other formats  - perhaps with a plug in infrastructure etc etc.

All the best,


On 9/28/06, "Döring, Markus" <m.doering@bgbm.org> wrote:
I was wondering if the LSID specs require you to return RDF/XML. Could a service also return (or even request?) Turtle, N-Triple, RDFa or whatever comes next year?

It would be costly to switch formats using a templating system, so I am just curious.


-----Original Message-----
From: tdwg-guid-bounces@mailman.nhm.ku.edu [mailto:tdwg-guid-bounces@mailman.nhm.ku.edu] On Behalf Of Steve Perry
Sent: Dienstag, 26. September 2006 18:12
To: peter.hollas@thomson.com
Cc: tdwg-guid@mailman.nhm.ku.edu
Subject: Re: [Tdwg-guid] Which TCS/RDF?

Hi Peter,

I was just writing a response to your question about Jena, but I'll
scrap it now.  Unfortunately there's no standard representation for TCS
in RDF at this time.  Hopefully there will be one in the near future.

Jena is well suited to consuming RDF metadata, but I agree with you that
it's a bit heavyweight if all you want to do is produce many instances
of a single class.

Visualizing the problem as one of templating and using Spring MVC is a
neat approach.  I use Spring mostly for dependency injection and hadn't
considered that it might be used to isolate this kind of software from
changes in the schema.


peter.hollas@thomson.com wrote:
> Hi,
> Could someone advise on which TCS/RDF ontology would be the best to
> implement for metadata coming from nomenclatural sources such as
> ZooBank? I've yet to come across anything other than a TCS XML Schema
> in public circulation.
> I've decided to do away with using the Jena API altogether for
> returning metadata responses from ZooBank; it seems to be rather heavy
> handed approach to returning what is basically a simple structured
> text document. A much more flexible way to go is with a page
> templating system, especially when the schemata are in constant flux.
> A Spring Framework MVC/JSTL endpoint will allow for schemata changes
> to be implemented without recompilation. The LSID metadata class will
> just act as a façade/decorator to the templating system.
> Many thanks, Peter.
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