Hi Roger,
Good to know about the new CNS handler. You just need to tell me your sourceforge login so that I can give you write permissions to the repository.
I'm curious to see how you're handling a CNS with multiple conceptual schemas. It may be interesting to allow users to choose which ones they want to map, but I'm not sure what would be the best way to do this. And it will also be necessary to include a new combo beside the field "additional schema to load" to specify a handler.
About the concept types, I think they are not being used anywhere yet. I just thought it could be interesting to store them. Maybe they will never be used because what really matters when producing output are the XML types defined in the response structure - which can be completely different from the concept types. So... I can change the separator to "#" or maybe I should simply drop that attribute.
It's really nice to see more people getting involved - I should probably start to improve code documentation...
Best Regards, -- Renato
On 13 Mar 2007 at 15:53, Roger Hyam wrote:
Hi Renato,
Thanks for the reply and for TAPIRLink 0.2
I have written a CNS handler for TAPIRLink and it seems to work... just testing it some more. It is a pretty simple thing.
Why does the TAPIRLink configuration file use : instead of # in the data types?
<concept id="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/dwcore/Remarks" name="Remarks" type="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema:string" required="false" searchable="true"/>
Is this accident or design? Does it have to be followed?
I am continuing to explore the idea of thunking to a non-namespace XML document where the namespace prefixes are converted to underscores so that:
This makes creating output models very very easy and something that can be automated. The resulting instance documents can be converted to RDF with a simple XSLT or other script (I have not actually done this yet - but it should be simple ;) ).
'Thunking' is a technical term that sounds better than 'hacking' :)
I think we need be a degree of automation of output structure generation. If not any changes to the ontology will take a lot of error prone work to migrate into the TAPIR network infrastructure.
I'll try and get a complete demo of this working as it doesn't really make sense till it is demonstrated.
Off list could you add me to the source forge project and initiate me into what I need to do to add the CNS handler
Many thanks,