On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 12:27 AM, Jim Croft <jim.croft@gmail.com> wrote:
It is almost as though there was a conscious branch in the TDWG
evolutionary tree, a fork in the programming, but I can not put my
finger on when, where, how or why.


I would say it was the very salutary--but all too short--Moore foundation stimulus package (sic). Three very energetic and competent professionals put a huge amount of really good stuff on the table. Just at the point where that has to be carried forward, now we are back to an organization of qualified volunteers who---surprise, surprise---have no more time on their hands than they did before. This is pretty typical of volunteer standards bodies. W3C, OMG, and even ISO take years to hammer out standards, which then take more years until wide adoption (unless there is economic incentive).


Robert A. Morris
Professor of Computer Science
phone (+1)617 287 6466