Dear all, Sorry for my late reply.. I just visited the WIKI today and found that there are a lot more working groups or task items listed there, very good.. One of the tasks is the Publication Bank. I can imagine that this is something some of the GUID group members already have discussed earlier? At least during the workshop my impression was that the common 'management' of publication/ citations is a rather old TDWG problem? Have there been any earlier attempts to solve this? Another thing I would like to propose is something like a 'policy' or 'best practice' group. A lot of the discussions during the workshop dealed with problems like e.g. 'when exactly do I have to assign a new GUID to a taxon name'. A lot of solutions and agrement surely have been proposed in the break out groups and should be documented in the WIKI? best regards, Robert
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Taxonomic Databases Working Group GUID Project [mailto:TDWG-GUID@LISTSERV.NHM.KU.EDU]Im Auftrag von Ricardo Scachetti Pereira Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. Februar 2006 15:10 An: TDWG-GUID@LISTSERV.NHM.KU.EDU Betreff: New GUID working groups and work plan
Hi all,
Now that the first GUID workshop is over, we would like to lay down a work plan to move forward with GUID work and to prepare for our next meeting later this year.
As you may have seen in the workshop report, we have created two main follow-up areas or working groups to carry on the tasks and address the issues identified by the group. These two groups are the direct result of the break-out groups formed during the last day of the GUID-1 workshop. The groups are:
* The Infrastructure Working Group - will address the key issues regarding the deployment of LSID as the GUID technology for biodiversity informatics. * The Prototyping Working Group - will develop prototypes of test cases to test aspects of a GUID infrastructure.
Due to some overlap between the groups and to simplify our work a little, we have collapsed the 4 original workshop break-out groups into the main working groups above. The groups convened by Richard Pyle (Conceptual vs. Digital LSIDs) and me (LSID spec review and software gap analysis) are now listed as activities under the Infrastructure Working Group. These changes are organizational only and are not supposed to change the mission and mandate of those break-out groups in any way.
I have made changes to the GUID wiki to reflect and support this structure. There are links to the two working groups from the home page. Each working group page has links to individual activities/prototype pages that will be used to record the respective discussions, developments, conclusions, and recommendations. These pages are only placeholders for now.
In the coming days we will be trying to identify coordinators and participants to get each of those activities/prototypes started. Volunteers are most welcome.
I would like to ask you to please look at these new wiki sections and make yourself familiar with the tasks and page templates. Please feel free to make comments and suggestions.
Best regards,