I am a little confused as to what is included in the capabilities response under capabilities/schemas/schema.

The annotation says:

"Each known and mapped concept of a schema listed with a boolean flag indicating if its searchable (default = true)."

I have a genus field in my database and I map it to the following concept:

<concept path="/DataSet/TaxonNames/TaxonName/CanonicalName/Genus" searchable="true" />

Should I also include the parent concepts:

<concept path="/DataSet/TaxonNames/TaxonName/CanonicalName" searchable="false" />
<concept path="/DataSet/TaxonNames/TaxonName" searchable="false" />
<concept path="/DataSet/TaxonNames" searchable="false" />
<concept path="/DataSet" searchable="false" />

or are they implied? I presume if they are included then they aren't searchable as they can't be used to build filters.

Does this:

<concept path="/DataSet/TaxonNames/TaxonName/CanonicalName/Genus" searchable="true" />

If so is the entire schemas section of capabilities response optional if arbitrary views are not supported? Both the schemas and concepts are given in views anyhow - so do we need to list them here?

Your thoughts most appreciated - I may just have the wrong end of the stick.



 Roger Hyam
 Technical Architect
 Taxonomic Databases Working Group
 +44 1578 722782