I am very sad that we never managed to get into a deeper discussion with the Nexus community. I met Wayne Maddison once and presented SDD (which tried to include NEXUS in the analysis, and contains several aspects specifically for phylogenetics), but I can understand that given their rather separate phylogenetic group, they find it easier to build very closely on the existing Nexus rather than searching for a combined view of DELTA and taxonomic descriptions. If there is any chance getting involved I might try to invest time into it, but Hilmar Lapps email was the first time I heard about NexML being at such a stage at all. I just do not cope following with all the development. Gregor 2009/2/18 Roger Hyam <rogerhyam@mac.com>:
On 18 Feb 2009, at 07:22, Greg Whitbread wrote:
Some authoritative comment on NeXML and CDAO re SDD and TDWG ontology anyone?
The main reason I am going is to be able to give some authoritative comment on the relationships of all these things so maybe ask me again a the end of March!
All the best,
-- --------------------------------- Dr. Gregor Hagedorn Heinrich-Seidel-Str. 2 12167 Berlin skype: g.hagedorn This message is sent on a personal basis and does not constitute an activity of the German Federal Government or its research institutions. Together with any attachments, this message is intended for the addressee(s) only and may not be redistributed without permission.