Comments inline... On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 9:58 AM, Hilmar Lapp <> wrote:
On Feb 23, 2009, at 6:33 PM, John R. WIECZOREK wrote:
[...] Following what Dublin Core does with type vocabulary for dcterms:type, the classes PreservedSpecimen, FossilSpecimen, LivingSpecimen, and others are terms that act as the controlled vocabulary for dwcterm:BasisOfRecord
That's a good idea. But do they then need to be included in the dwcterms ontology? For someone looking at the dwcterms ontology in an ontology editor it's not obvious that this would be their intended use.
I have removed the type vocabulary from dwcterms.rdf and put it into dwctype.rdf in the same folder. This fits with what Dublin Core does as well, so good suggestion.
As for the hierarchy, the problem I was trying to point out is that the PreservedSpecimen that is the super-property of FossilSpecimen is not the same PreservedSpecimen that is the sub-property of PhysicalObject, because they have different URIs ( and, respectively).
I believe this is solved with the new arrangement of rdf schemas and proper namespace usage.
[...] I have removed all references to the domain class 'none'.
Indeed, thanks!
[...] The details of the relationship of Sample to other classes is left to implementation as there is more than one reasonable viewpoint - a Sample could be a property of a SamplingEvent
BTW did you inadvertently delete the Sample property? I can't find it anymore, it's a class now. (But maybe that's what you intended?)
Sample was intended to be a Class. I believe it is correct now.