Dear all,
I'm very happy about this discussion as it (imho) clarifies a lot what role PublicationBank might play and what difficulties might occur. I agree with Roderic that there could be 2 major compoments:
- A central place where anybody who makes a mapping can upload that
mapping (or have it harvested automatically)
-> 1) The bibliographic/GUID database
- A central place (same as 1 above) where anybody can go to ask
whether there is a mapping for an item of literature (or an identifier).
-> 2) The bibliographic/GUID resolver service
I use "central" loosely, it might be a case of few brokers for the major taxonomic groups/databases.
PublicationBank can surely not be a monolithic thing but rather take use of the existing services/databases and act as a information broker ( least true for the resolver services) I hope I'll find some time this week to draw a figure..
I have started to collect some information on potential services and players on the WIKI already, if you know more ... any suggestion is welcome.
Sorry Roderic for sending this mail to your email address first, I was too quickly pressing the reply button..
best regards, Robert
Dr. Robert Huber WDC-MARE / PANGAEA -, - _____________________________________________ MARUM - Institute for Marine Environmental Sciences (location) University Bremen Leobener Strasse POP 330 440 28359 Bremen Phone ++49 421 218-65593, Fax ++49 421 218-65505 e-mail,