Excellent.  IODP sounds like an interesting project.
I will just confirm that Index Fungorum is using the TCS-RDF schema.
You can see an example by following this url:
It is in the middle of being changed so doesnt resolve using the standard process at present - but is not far away.
If you have LSID Launchpad installed:
- browse to lsidres:config/general.htm
- go to Edit Authorities
- add an authority for indexfungorum.org, putting in the host box.
then enter lsidres:urn:lsid:indexfungorum.org:names:213649 into your browser.  This should display some nicely formatted RDF metadata.
I will also dig out my notes for the tutorial I will give at TDWG and sen dthem to you.

>>> Roger Hyam <roger@tdwg.org> 20/09/2006 1:24 a.m. >>>

Hi Robert,

I think some of this falls into my camp so I will answer what I can. I
am sure others will set me right.

The IPNI and IF have both demonstrated LSID resolvers and I believe
Zoobank are keen to move in that direction.

The RDF vocabulary of TCS used by IPNI and IF is pretty stable but needs
to be integrated into the core TDWG ontology which will no doubt be
discussed at TDWG in St Louis in October. I hope I can demonstrate a
system for bringing unity here.

I certainly believe that TDWG should be able to provide the taxonomic
and nomenclatural semantics for IODP.

The big question is a service going from <SomeNameString> to <List of
LSIDs of Possible Names> to <List of Possible Taxa>. Because of cross
nomenclatural code homonyms (your problem name string could be an
animal, vegetable or virus) this is not solved by individual
nomenclators alone there needs to be an indexing service to provide the
look up table. uBio or GBIF look like good candidates for supplying this
kind of services but there is no reason why there couldn't be many -
depending on who has the best algorithm this week.

Anyone else want to add to this?


Robert Huber wrote:
> Dear all,
> I was invited to attend the IODP Paleontology meeting on taxonomic
> dictionaries and control lists end of september in Houston, USA.
> The IODP (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program)is one of the most
> important international earth science projects. http://iodp.org.
> IODP is currently evaluating new technologies for its data and
> information management. And one hot topic for its paleontology
> and biostratigraphy work is ..having control on taxonomic names..
> I think LSIDs could be very interseting for IODP if they could use
> some kind of a 'reverse lookup', resolving LSIDs for names.
> I was asked to give a short presentation on GUIDS/LSID and I
> thought maybe one of you already has some interesting material to
> show? Any help is welcome!
> Btw. are there are any exciting news since summer? I am especially
> interested in:
> -how is the RDF/TCS thing evolving -> standardised metadata?
> -how  have the nomenclators been proceeding? I heard e.g. about the
> ZooBank prototype any LSID plans for that yet?
> -DarwinCore and GBIF.. is there a way to resolve LSID from names?
> best regards,
> Robert
> Dr. Robert Huber
> WDC-MARE / PANGAEA - www.pangaea.de, www.wdc-mare.org
> Stratigraphy.net - www.stratigraphy.net
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Roger Hyam
Technical Architect
Taxonomic Databases Working Group
+44 1578 722782

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