Dear colleague,
The team listed below is charged by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) with developing a position paper about its future needs for Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS), a rubric which includes thesauri, controlled vocabularies, ontologies, gazetteers, linked data, and other such resources. The paper will cover tools, impediments to deployment, training requirements, etc. After we draft it, the position paper will be put forth for a period of public comment before final recommendations to GBIF.
In order to put together the position paper, we solicit your opinions, experiences, needs, and information on resources you already in place about Knowledge Organization for biodiversity research. Please go to to participate in the survey.
We especially value your input about points you feel the survey doesn’t cover.
Please feel free to forward this invitation to mailing lists or colleagues you feel appropriate, hopefully to people who may not have seen it already.
GBIF KOS position paper team
Bob Morris, Convenor. Terry Catapano, Donald Hobern, Hilmar Lapp, Norman Morrison, Natasha Noy, Mark Schildhauer, Dave Thau
September 7, 2010