Thank you both.  Some answers:
  1. We are here talking about the new portal, not the existing portal - we are aiming to try to cut over in a couple of months.
  2. TAPIR is the common goal, but I'd rather always be explicit.
  3. If the connection protocol or endpoint is the only change, we should make it possible to do this without forcing a re-index, but we will be indexing everything afresh for the new portal.
  4. We are going to have a more self-service interface for users to handle this setting and many others.

Donald Hobern (
Deputy Director for Informatics 
Global Biodiversity Information Facility Secretariat 
Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
Tel: +45-35321483   Mobile: +45-28751483   Fax: +45-35321480

John R. WIECZOREK wrote:
Or you could flag all of the DiGIR ones and leave TAPIR ones unflagged, the idea being that TAPIR is the common goal toward which to strive.

2007/2/28, Renato De Giovanni <>:
Hi Donald,

This is excellent news!

Two quick questions:

* For providers that want to migrate to TAPIR and already have data
indexed by GBIF from previous DiGIR/BioCASe instances, what will be the
recommended procedure? (will it be necessary to re-index everything or is
there an easy re-configuration process on the GBIF side?). Do they need to
contact GBIF to  specify both the new TAPIR accesspoint and the old one
that will be replaced or is there a way to do this just by interacting
with the UDDI registry?

* On the web pages where GBIF lists providers, BioCASe/ABCD ones are
marked with a special flag. Can you do the same for TAPIR providers when
they start to pop up?

Best Regards,

> The new GBIF data portal can index data provided using TAPIR with
Dwc/Geo/Cur or ABCD 1.20/2.05/2.06.

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