Dear all, To my earlier email on PublicationBank I got no resonse, so I assume no earlier attempts or discussion on this topic have been started yet? A pragmatic starting point for PublicationBank (PB)would be to use the literature entries of the existing LSID authorities databases to initially populate PB with GUIDs. To get the appropriate GUIDs we ideally would have access to services from the publishers, databases such as PubMed or the DOI foundation (crossref). I called these services Bibliographic Query Resolver and just started to search the web for potential candidates. Results are here: Bibliographic Query Resolver Accepts bibliographic meta-data and returns the corresponding GUID (e.g. DOI, LSID) * CrossRef offers a variety of possibilities to resolve DOIs. More information can be found at CrossRefs query spec pages. The DOI link directly redirects to the online document (subscription dependent) or abstract. * PudMed offers a 'Batch Citation Matcher' to retrieve a PMID which can be completed as LSID? best regards, Robert Dr. Robert Huber WDC-MARE / PANGAEA -, - _____________________________________________ MARUM - Institute for Marine Environmental Sciences (location) University Bremen Leobener Strasse POP 330 440 28359 Bremen Phone ++49 421 218-65593, Fax ++49 421 218-65505 e-mail,