A little off topic, but it occurs to me that a great deal of work is still ongoing with TAPIR, which suggests to me that it may be warranted to re-state my request for a simple message type - a log request. This request would be the same as a search request, except that the caller doesn't need a response. Providers would use this type of request to log data usage if the data were retrieved from a cache elsewhere. I remember talking about this in Berlin, at which time there was supposed to be a feature freeze. Clearly we've gone beyond that, so I'm requesting it again.

On 7/17/06, Renato De Giovanni <renato@cria.org.br> wrote:

If I remember well, the "view" operation was re-included in the
protocol just to handle query templates, especifically for TapirLite
providers. So if someone wants to query a provider using some
external output model that should be dynamically parsed, then the
"search" operation must be used instead (using either XML or simple
GET request). View operations are really bound to query templates,
and they are not allowed to specify "filter" or "partial" parameters.

On 17 Jul 2006 at 21:26, "Döring, Markus" wrote:

> I was just about to edit the schema and realizing that output models
> are only specified for searches. but what about views? they use
> query templates, yes. but only the ones listed in capabilities? we
> should have dynamic ones here as well I think. And they link back to
> static/dynamic models.
> So should models maybe become a seperate section not tight to
> search/view operations? I am going to modify the schema nevertheless
> already to accomodate the changes below - ignoring views for now.
> Markus

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