To Conveners and TAG members coming to TDWG in Florence,
For preliminary discussion, an agenda/outline for the TAG meeting on Sunday. I don't expect that the meeting will necessarily unfold this way - it is just a starting point. Tomorrow, I will find a more appropriate place to put it.
Grand Mediterraneo 3pm Sunday 27 October
- Scope of this meeting - Allocated time slot on Thursday - VoMaG report - Informal meetings during the week?
TAG terms of reference (context & review)
- Charter - Governance - More than a mail list? - Constitution - Documentation - Wiki - Issue management - Update TDWG TAG pages - Reporting
A TDWG Architecture
- Expression (vision) - (a) Development, interpretation and maintenance of principles for a biodiversity informatics architecture - WG governance, - standards interoperability, - collaboration, - cross group issues and networking - (or a+) Development (reuse) of a TDWG architecture - Building Blocks, - Common language - Domain Model? - How do we make it work? - Simple - Agile - Intentional vs emergent - Technology agnostic - How to test it? - Where do we start? - Status/review of current framework and standards - Existing and developing "Cores" - Plea around basisOfRecord - BCO - The TDWG "ontology"
The TAG working group reports
- DwC RDF - VoMaG