My attention finally comes back round to preparing the TAG Roadmap. Following our discussions on REST I have added a short section to the Roadmap. You can read it here: This may be seen as controversial so please read it. Notably I say "HTTP should be thought of as the universal syntax for addressable resources. " I will convert this page to PDF in about 24 hours time so please speak now if you have issues. Markus has pointed out that we don't have a formal meeting of the TAG booked for Fremantle. There is a free slot on Sunday 19th 0900-1300 (Notre Dame University Education Centre room 36.103) and I have requested the room. If we get the room we it will give us a venue to meet up but it is unfortunately parallel to several other meetings: It might also be worth having a brief meeting at the end of the conference to round up whether anything that has been presented affects the TAG position. Any thoughts? Roger ------------------------------------------------------------- Roger Hyam ------------------------------------------------------------- Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 20A Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5LR, UK Tel: +44 131 552 7171 ext 3015 Fax: +44 131 248 2901 -------------------------------------------------------------